Hello! It is hard to believe we are on the brink of cooler, shorter days, but we are. My kids left for their first day of school yesterday, and despite the fact I swore I would be jumping for joy as they left on the bus, I’m a little sad to see them go.
The house is so quiet without their constant bickering and asking me for food. On the plus side, I am getting a lot of work done.
Being a work at home mom with 4 kids in the house is no joke! Along with fall comes Halloween! I thought I would take some time to talk about how to take pictures of kids on Halloween.
How to take pictures of kids on
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- Try for at least one full body shot. A head to toe shot allows you to get the full picture. Chances are, you spent a ton of money, or time, or BOTH on that costume! Make sure you have proof!
- Get a close up. Getting a full shot is important, but it’s equally important to be able to see your kiddo’s face, the age they are, their expressions. Obviously, a mask makes this more difficult, but I would still make sure to get a close up even with the mask on.
- Turn off your flash and embrace the grain. Regardless of which camera you are using, unless you’re taking pictures early in the day, you’re likely to have at least a little bit of grain or noise in your images. It totally adds to the mood of the images, and you won’t end up with icky shadows from your flash. If you would like some tips for better pictures with your iphone, these will totally help!
- Turn your images to black and white or adjust the white balance. I have a tendency to like my Halloween pictures a little warmer. Once the sun goes down, before it’s dark your images are likely to be very cool. You can either change your camera’s white balance setting to “shade” or adjust after the fact in post processing. If you’re still unhappy with the color in your images, try them in black and white. I love to use Lightroom to process my pictures. If you’re wondering what you can do to edit your pictures in lightroom, I wrote this post all about just some of the cool things you can do in it. Super cool, and user-friendly program!
- Don’t forget the neighborhood kids! I love making it a point to take pictures of all the friends my kids trick or treat with every year. They always go with the same kids,and it’s so much fun to see how they all grow every year!
- Have a photo shoot before the night of trick or treat. I will admit that this is really unlikely to happen for me if I have to apply make-up. But If you’re not doing that, it’s usually pretty easy to pick a day before trick-or-treat night and take your pictures. This is one time most kids are absolutely willing to play along!
- Try a plain backdrop. I’m definitely not suggesting that you skip the picture of your child standing in front of your decorated door, or next to his jack-o-lantern. I am suggesting that you add this to your list of shots. It take the focus and points it all at your kid and his costume!
- Don’t forget the candid photos!! My wild things love to pass out candy after we fill our bags. Some of my favorite pictures come when they are just sitting around passing out candy.
I hope this helps you understand how to take better pictures of kids on Halloween. So, what are your kids dressing up as this year?? Leave me a comment and let me know!
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We LOVE halloween around here! I can’t wait to get pictures of everyone. And I also get pictures of all of the neighborhood kids because I know 10 years from now we will have a good laugh and a smile at all the good times the kids had together!
That wolfman is really scary :/ Great tips!
THese are some awesome tips!! I hope I can put them to good use this year!! Thanks!
so glad you found them helpful, pamela!
lol! it is, isn’t it?! the kids love it so much because it’s scary. haha!
that’s my favorite part about including the neighborhood kids! i know they will be looking back on those pictures in a few years laughing with each other!
I definitely need to do a photo shoot before the big day of trick of treating.
I love this! My daughter is 6 months so I’m going to be taking her very first Halloween pics!!! So exciting!!
Such awesome tips! I love the contrast in the black and white photo with all of the costumes. So cool!
Your tips are so helpful! Can’t wait to try them and see if they deserved to be framed and displayed all year-round 🙂
These pictures are literally perfection! So nicely done and the kids look like they had a blast taking them too.
thank you so much, victoria!! they do have fun taking these pictures!
i’m so glad you found them helpful. lynn!! definitely print those pics and frame them!
thank you so much, joanna. 🙂