That is, apart from the insanely cute crafts your little nuggets will make for you. Those top all other gifts. But, if you’re looking for some cool ideas for your own mom, your mom friends, or to share with the gift giver in your family, you’re going to love these fun gifts for moms.
Mother’s Day comes once a year, but there are countless times throughout the year you might need some ideas for fun gifts for moms.
*for your convenience, there may be affiliate links throughout this post, so you can easily find the things i am showing you. by using these links, your pricing stays the same, but I earn a small commission. you can see my full disclosure here
Fun Gifts for Moms
Before I get started with the list, I wanted to quickly share ebates with those of you that may not have seen my newsletter. Ebates is a completely free service that allows you to add a extension to your desktop, or an app to your phone and earn you money back on purchases.
It’s ridiculously easy, it’s not a credit card, it’s literally just cash back on purchases that you’re already making. The reason I am mentioning it here is because many of the items on this list are eligible for ebates, and it would be a shame to miss out on putting a couple of extra bucks in your wallet. So, to make it even easier for you, I have noted when the product is eligible for ebates.
1. Yankee Candle Scenterpiece Warmer
I love a good scented candle. We stopped using them as soon as we had kids though. I always worry I will forget to blow them out or one of the kids will get burnt. Enter the Scenterpiece.
What makes it different than a regular tart burner? You don’t have to commit to one scent for days, or pour hot wax from the burner!! You drop these wax cups in, and when you’re ready to switch you just pull it out and put another one in (you can reuse the wax cups!!) Some of them even have timers so you don’t even have to remember to turn them off. (eligible for ebates on amazon)
2. Yeti Tumbler
Coffee mamas of the world will tell you they typically have to reheat their coffee at least once. Not anymore, this thing will keep your coffee nice and hot!
And the bonus is, you can use Yeti tumblers with cold drinks too, and they keep them SO cold!! (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
3. Alex and Ani bangles
I love these bangles with inspirational charms. You can wear just one or several. The cool thing about them is they all have different “words” on them.
You could easily find a different one for every occasion, and they go with anything you’re wearing. Such a thoughtful and fun Mother’s Day gift. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
4. Gel manicure set
I love having painted nails and toes. Usually they chip off though, and I just don’t have time to repaint them until they look ridiculous. Seems simple enough to find the time to paint your nails, right? Wrong.
Every time I try to paint my nails, one of my kids ask me to do something for them mid nail painting. By the time they go to bed, I don’t feel like spending a ton of time waiting for my nails to dry.
This is great because you don’t have to sit around, and wait, and the nail polish lasts a lot longer! Let’s face it, it’s not always possible to find the time for a manicure. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
5. Kindle Fire
This would be right up at the top of my lists of “wants” if I didn’t already have one! The price of the Kindle Fire is totally reasonable, and it’s a great way to read books, catch up on netflix, keep track of your schedule, look for recipes, and more! It’s a perfect gift for a busy mom. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
6. Audible by Amazon
If you’re a mom who likes to read, and can’t really find time to do it anymore (you can put my name right into that category), this is the best idea ever! Audible has a TON of audiobooks!
You can pretty much find an audiobook about anything. This is actually a subscription service, and you can listen to as many books as you manage to get into a month.
Just think, you can listen to a book at the gym, you can listen to a book while you cook, you can listen to a book while you drive to soccer practice. Genius!
7. Exfoliating face scrubber (make sure it’s waterproof!)
Caring about yourself as a mom can really become the last thing on your list. Sometimes, little things like cleaning your face, can make you feel better.
This face scrubber is perfect because it’s waterproof which means I can use it in the shower. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
8. Sugarfix by Baublebar
This is pretty much the definition of fun Mother’s Day gift! So much jewelry, so many different styles! I’m in love with all of these different colors, and beads– I love beads! (eligible for ebates on Target)
9. HelloFresh Gift Card
If you’re looking for a way to make any mom happy, make dinnertime easier. At least, that’s something that would make me jump for joy! HelloFresh is a subscription service that actually delivers fresh ingredients right to your door, and plans your meals for the week.
You do have some flexibility when choosing your meals for the week, and you can stop your subscription whenever you like. So, no grocery shopping, AND your meals are planned for you. I’m all over this!
10. Clinique All About Eye Serum
When I started working on this post with my sister (she’s the world’s best gift giver), I questioned several “self-care” items. In the end, Amber and I agreed that many moms don’t spend money on themselves, or think about themselves when they are shopping. I know this is definitely true for myself.
When I get things like this as a gift, I am so happy because often, I have purchased it for myself. I actually got this eye serum as a birthday gift (from Amber) and it’s awesome. Dark circles and puffy eyes- be gone! (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
11. A gym membership
This is another one of those things that could go either way. That said, if someone is asking for a gym membership but can’t pull the trigger when it comes to paying for it, this would be a great gift!
12. Lily and Laura Bracelets
These are seriously my favorite jewelry right now. I love that they are casual, and can also be dressy. Plus, they’re hand-crafted, and they roll over your wrist which makes them ultra easy to put on even if you’re chasing a kid while you’re doing it.
And, remember, I love beads, so these are basically perfection on anyone’s wrist. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
13. Beautiful Word Coloring Bible
Sometimes, I just need a creative outlet, and this is the best way I have found to do that. In fact, there are so many reasons adults should color.
Beyond that, this happens to be a coloring a Bible which means it’s inspirational as well. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
14. The Gift of Amazon Prime
Did you know that Amazon Prime is basically the most life-changing service for moms- EVER! Did you know that you can actually give Amazon Prime as a gift now??!!
You can stream movies & shows, listen to music, photo storage, the Kindle lending library, 2 day shipping, the list goes on! I’m really not sure how we survived before we had Amazon Prime.
15. Best Sports Water Bottle
I’ve been on the hunt for a water bottle. I usually just grab whatever the boys have, but they’re really just junk. This one is great.
It’s got a strap on it. It also doesn’t have a stopper, or anything difficult to clean (you know what I’m talking about here… most adult water bottles are just big version of sippy cups). (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
16. A Gift Certificate for a Photo Session
What kind of family photographer would I be if I didn’t add this one? Every mom deserves to have pictures with their children, and while some of us may not feel “camera-ready” we still need this pictures.
Even if the pictures are never displayed, just having them is important. Someday your kids will cherish being able look back on them. Someday, you will cherish being able to look back on them.
17. Custom stationery and notebooks
This is the cutest notebook and the fact that you can get stationery to match it, makes it even better.
I always feel cooler when I am using pretty notebooks, and stationery. Just me? I don’t think, there have to be more of you out there. (eligible for ebates on TinyPrints)
18. TOMS
I will take one of every pair in the catalog this year, and all of the bags, and accessories. You really can’t go wrong with TOMS.
They have something to match anybody’s (not just moms’!) style! (eligible for ebates on TOMS)
19. Photo Canvas
Have a family picture, or a picture of the kids printed on a canvas. There’s nothing more beautiful than the life you have created.
Our house is decorated with our blessings. We have canvases, and pictures galore. (eligible for ebates on Shutterfly)
20. QALO silicone rings
These rings are awesome! I only wear my wedding rings once in a while. It’s hard for me because I am always having to take them off when I’m doing certain things anyhow.
I love QALO’s mission/ meaning. Q: The defining attribute of the world’s best products. A: An Athletic Life is a healthy life. L: Marriage and family are not limitations but the essential pursuit of the best in life. O:The outdoors is life’s greatest playground. QALO. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
21. Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray
It’s pretty much impossible for me to dry my hair. I’m always in a rush, and always running late. This spray is perfect.
Just spray your wet hair, scrunch it, and let it air dry, and get awesome beachy hair. I have tried several different kinds of sea salt spray, this is hands down the best one! (eligible for ebates on Sephora or Amazon)
22. Succulents
I have completely fallen in love with succulents. They are the easiest (and only) plant I have ever been able to keep alive, and they’re so pretty. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
23. Pressing Pause: 100 quiet moments for moms to meet with Jesus
I love the premise of this book, and the fact that it has questions to ask yourself at the end of each “moment”. I also love that there is a place for me to keep notes in the book. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
24. Instant pot
I’ve said it over and over, I am all over anything that will make dinnertime easier for me. If the mom you’re gifting is the one who does most of the cooking in their house, this is a must!
It is a crock pot, a steamer, a yogurt maker… they should really create an infomercial for this puppy- maybe there is one… (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
25. Baggu Reusable bags
So many different options for these bags. You can use them as reusable grocery bags, or to carry snacks. They have drawstring bags, canvas bags, and so many different patterns.
They’re cheap too so they’re the perfect gift for the moms on your list that you’re just looking to give a little treat to. Also- they’re washable… which is obviously essential for moms. (eligible for ebates on Amazon)
Do you have any fun gifts for moms you would add to the list??
come hang out with me!!
and don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already to get YOUR FREE 14 page ebook– 10 photo projects for ANYONE with ANY camera!!!
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Engravable necklaces and charms from Stella & Dot! And the Illuminate Cuff that supports Every Mother Counts and has “mother, sister, daughter” engraved in three languages inside.
Available here http://www.stelladot.com/jamiefiore
One year we got our Mom a special anniversary sundial (a cool clock that uses the sun to tell the time) that is made of glass and sits indoors on the window sill and makes prism rainbows in the room when the sun shines. We found it online, and we had the guy who made it add a special date line for our parent’s anniversary that the time shadow follows every year on that day – plus we added a date line for each of us kids’ birthdays as well. Mom loved it, called it a family heirloom and said that it was one of the most thoughtful things that she had ever heard of. I don’t remember what it was called exactly but you can probably find it online with a search…and you can get gift certificates too, in case you want to let her decide which room/window of the house to have it made for.